
Long Way to Go


Nona Ivan, Teh Het, and Artul, are the nicknames given to Ivan Gunawan, Hetty Koes Endang, and Ari Tulang, in Indosiar recent celebrity talent show, Superstar. This show format is to have celebrities and their close relatives, like bestfriend, wife, or brother, as contestants. They will compete in a singing competition until final, and most of them aren't singers. This show has the same commentators and same hosts, just like the Supermama Celeb show, so the atmosphere and the fun is nearly the same.

Supermama itself is a developed show from Mamamia, which was conducted also by Indosiar and will be continued for next season. The origin idea of the Mamamia Show is from the Mamamia in Italy. Where the contestants bring their mommy as manager. Then the celebrity version was made by Indosiar, named Supermama. The situation of Supermama isn't as serious as other talent show. Jokes, pranks, and funny insults are often going on and on, mostly made by the hosts, Eko Patrio and Ruben, and the judges and contestants. The contestants who are celebrity brought their mommy as their managers to perform in a stage from Tuesday until Friday. From comedian, soap actors, and even an athlete, followed this show. And many of their mommas acted so funny too. This has been my favorite show so far.

Since 1st February 2008, Supermama Celeb Show has ended with the winning contestant, Mytha . And 6th February ago, the show is replaced with new show, different format but same hosts and judges. The differences are the show format. And that Madam Ivan and Bunda Hetty nicks, are changed into Nona and Teh. Both mean "Miss". Ivan Gunawan is a famous designer here, and he is commenting on fashion department. He often shocks the viewer with fashionable looks and unique hairstyle. Hetty is a legendary singer in Indonesia. Her strong beautiful voice and her skill made her chosen to carry on the music/voice department. While the performance department was using different judges each day, but in the newest Superstar show they use Ari Tulang as a performance commentator. He is a famous choreographer here.

The pranks and fun of the show looks similar to Supermama. And that what makes me like it. Moments often go outrageously funny. Ruben the host is called boncel simply for being short. Ivan is always compared to big things because his posture. Eko Patrio, who's a comedian, makes fun of almost everything that happens.

For sure, for this term or moment, this show will just replace the Supermama show, and takes the old show's fans. Therefore, will this show be boring later? Hope not. But you know trend will fade away, and sometimes in entertainment world, something that became a trend and rated, is worked to be as sporadic as it can be. But then it could cause a saturation in the society. But I think, it's still far from that. Now, people can still enjoy the show. Another laughmaker in this turning-crazy world.


I had an outdoor study, on 10th of February 2008. It was an outdoor study for Padmanaba students, grade 10th. well, it could have been exciting, if my bus weren't having troubles. We had flat tire and machine problem and I was feeling a superstitious moment... Hmmm... Leave that.

We went to Kaliadem in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta, but we also we went to Ketep Pass in Magelang. We had toasted corn and hot milk. It was great, because it was very cold in that place. Kaliadem is the bottom of Merapi Mountain, and Ketep Pass is a high plate in Magelang where you can see Merapi completely. It was raining and fogging so i couldn't take its pic. =)

a playlist of moi's favorite

this is songs that I currently love =)=)