

I had an outdoor study, on 10th of February 2008. It was an outdoor study for Padmanaba students, grade 10th. well, it could have been exciting, if my bus weren't having troubles. We had flat tire and machine problem and I was feeling a superstitious moment... Hmmm... Leave that.

We went to Kaliadem in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta, but we also we went to Ketep Pass in Magelang. We had toasted corn and hot milk. It was great, because it was very cold in that place. Kaliadem is the bottom of Merapi Mountain, and Ketep Pass is a high plate in Magelang where you can see Merapi completely. It was raining and fogging so i couldn't take its pic. =)

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a playlist of moi's favorite

this is songs that I currently love =)=)