

You are God's gift to me
You are more beautiful dan anything
An armour cud be in rust
But in u tehres only trust
A gold coin cud lost in ocean
But in u theres only passion
You are da mist of roses
Unxplainable, a mystery
Nothing wud describe you, they must feel u
You are better dan any sunrise afta da rain
Better than any candles when the dark was came
Maybe when they see ur face
They'll see nothing
But when i see your face
I can make sure thats a face of miracle
You're not always here when i need u most
But when you're here, i forgot tht i've felt the worst
I dont believe tht you juz came to me
Because its God plan, I know it, I can feel it
You might think its impossible
But you're not impssible
You're just unxplainable
Like the mist of the roses, i told u
You ask me why? okay i tell u why
Becuz God gave u to me
and evrything tht came from God's hands isnt an impssble thing
n theres one more reason
evrything tht being loved isnt impssble
n u hav been loved by me
A deep breath makes me feel alrite
But u make me feel wonderful
a clock wud ticking until its brokem
but u always inside here, unspoken
thousands seconds, thousands eyes blinks, thousands voices the passed
but u're not
dats happines
der's nothing such as bad luck, bad day or bad moment
cuz when i remember u, i feel only romance
is it just me , or do u feel da same?
u r a shady willow
in a hot sunny day
a lake, wit breezy atmosphere, spring water and those singing birds
u r a tough mountain who covered me from da storm
u r da voice when the wind touches da leaves
singing softly like an endless beautiful song
the peace of harp and violin
if u r a red wine from the best season
i will always thirsty
if u r the sweetest apple, all i feel is hunger
if u r the whitest cloud, there will b no thunder
and i know u r here
will always, here
cuz u have been loved by me

30 MAy 2006 :*

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a playlist of moi's favorite

this is songs that I currently love =)=)