

It can't be denied that Indonesia is one of the growing countries. And as a growing country, Indonesia is now making up the instruments, growing up the power and emerging the spirit. There's nothing perfect in this world, but we may say thu a growing country is far enough from what we call perfect. Maybe a county would have great nature resources but a medium-low human resources, or vice versa. In my humble opinion, Indonesia has good and plenty nature resources and also average medium human resources.

There are so many ways that the government has done to educate the society and adding up the human resources. And I think that's good. They mwajbkn the (young) generation to have nine years of education, which means elementary school and junior high school. And it's been said that it will extend to 12 years. And I think it's also a good step to introduce to the society that courses or skill-high school are not incompetence than the regular education. In fact, it can be a very good alternative to produce good human resources.

But what I'm going to spot isn't about that alternative education. I'm going to talk about a problem in the regular/common education in Indonesia. As I have spoke in the early paragraph, Indonesia is a growing country. We are still struggling to follow and filter the globalization. Maybe the forms of globalization are already growing in Indonesia, but because of social and geographical issues, it hasn't reached every part of Indonesia.

Meanwhile there are schools which already have the forms of globalized education. I think it's common in some private schools, since in organization way, they may be more open to the global effects. But, don't want to be left, public/government schools are trying to compete for this maintenance and great education for their students.

I, as a student of a Senior High, am very happy and proud that I have a very good school. I'm now studying in a public school, and my school is counted as a good school in my province and so on. It has few class-programs, that help students (who wants) to study in a different way than the regular ones, like acceleration class and Information Tech. class. And fortunately I attend in the year of curriculum regeneration. My angkatan is now using International Cambridge Curriculum, which was only a class program two years ago. My school also has good facilities and so on. And I heard that schools like mine, those who are "go international" get some budgets from the government.

But it was quite shocking for me that the school fee is more expensive than other public schools. You may say, "Yes, it's because your school is a favorite one and it offern cash for the operational." But isn't there an allocated fund for those kinds of schools from government or what I heard was just a rumour? And I think there is some things in the budget allocation plan that actually can be fixed, not because it's wrong, but it doesn't really fit there. Like the holiday cards they have up. Each students got the card for their parents, and there are approx. 700 students. Well, it may be just a small spending rather than other spendings. But I think it'll be more economic to put the holiday greeting along with the holiday announcement letters. Aren't we fighting global warming?

Truly, I believe that this maintenance will be good for every parties that involve. But the question is, are we completely ready for this? If we sure we are, can we organize it? Is it just about the look or the image, or is it about the sake of education for this country? Now, Bawasda (Badan Pengawasan Daerah), an instance that's watching out public operations in a province, has been checking out some schools' budget plans. I hope it can clear the situation and no one will losing somethin improper.

Have you ever read Toto Chan, a Japanese novel? I think it's better to study in their train cars than learning in an unfair transparency. We're talking about billions of money. I hope big sophisticated schools have to be role models for other schools, those which haven't became as big as us.

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a playlist of moi's favorite

this is songs that I currently love =)=)